Marvel’s Secret Invasion television series premiered this week and the biggest takeaway from it is the fact that the studio, known for its artistic legacy, used AI technology to make the intro for it. Show director Ali Selim said that they purposefully reached out to AI vendors for it. “When we reached out to the AI vendors, that was part of it…it just came right out of the shape-shifting, Skrull world identity, you know? Who did this? Who is this?”
The backlash was felt immediately with artists and creators tearing the intro apart. Many brought up the irony of Marvel having a plethora of artists available, such as Kagan McLeod, the artist who provided the She-Hulk outro paintings–and David Mack who did the Winter Solider ending credits back in 2014. Method Studios, the producer of the credits, has worked with Marvel in the past with such shows as Moon Knight and Loki, and addressed concerns after the show debuted.
“AI is just one tool among the array of tool sets our artists used. No artists’ jobs were replaced by incorporating these new tools; instead, they complemented and assisted our creative teams,” reads a statement from Method to The Hollywood Reporter, saying it was still all in-house.