Is full-body PSVR2 game C-Smash VRS a smash or a pass?

Thank God for air conditioning. Here in the UK there’s a bit of a heat wave going on at the moment and without it there’s no way I’d have gone anywhere near my PSVR2 this week, let alone played a full-body immersion VR game like C-Smash VRS.

I realise I’m in the air-con owning minority where I live though, so I can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, launching an intensly physical VR game like this one at this time of year may hurt its sales figures a bit. Which is a shame because C-Smash VRS is a lot of fun. But honestly, it’s not fun enough to risk your health for.

Now obviously the above criticism doesn’t apply to countries with easy access to aircon and whose houses are built to keep heat out rather than keep it in, that’s mainly a European problem. Even still, please do bear in mind that I did feel a bit of sweat run down my face after about 30 minutes of play time, even with my aircon unit set to 20°C.

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