In a message shared with the Naughty Dog team today and then later published online, Co-President Evan Wells announced his retirement from the video game development studio. After a career spanning 25 years, Wells revealed that he would be stepping down at the end of the year.
Wells expressed mixed emotions as he made the decision to retire, stating, “This is something that I’ve been discussing with Naughty Dog’s Studio Leadership Team for over a year, and with Neil [Druckmann, co-president] for even longer than that. The decision brings with it overwhelming and conflicting emotions, but I’ve come to realize that I’m content with my time at the studio and all that we’ve accomplished together over the last 25 years.”
The co-president also expressed confidence in the studio’s future, highlighting the capable leadership that will guide Naughty Dog moving forward. “There’s never a perfect time to step away, but I’m incredibly confident that I’ll be leaving the studio in the best hands,” he said. “Neil and the rest of the capable and dynamic Studio Leadership Team are suited to ensure Naughty Dog continues to lead the industry–not only in the games we make, but the environment in which we make them.”