How To Hover In Disney Dreamlight Valley

Moving around in Disney Dreamlight Valley can be a bit of a slow affair without the extra energy provided by eating meals. Once you’ve earned that golden energy bar, though, you’ll be able to walk around much more quickly. But if you’ve ever wanted to move even faster, you can do so using the game’s hovering ability–though it’s worth noting that it comes at a cost. Read on for everything you need to know about hovering.

How to hover in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Hovering in Dreamlight Valley allows you to essentially glide around your valley using magic. However, doing so will slowly drain your golden energy bar, meaning you’ll want to keep plenty of energy-replenishing meals in your inventory if you plan to use this faster method of traveling.

To hover in Dreamlight Valley, simply make sure you have eaten a meal that gives you some golden energy on your bar, then press and hold the appropriate button on your controller to begin gliding around. This button will be different depending on your platform of choice.

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