The Sonic Superstars animated intro is giving all the right classic vibes

I’m a big fan of Sonic Boom. I know, that might be controversial. Sonic fans have long debated which Sonic CD soundtrack is best between the Japanese and American releases.

For the opening at least, I’ve always loved the American version: Sonic Boom. The chugging electric guitars! The earworm vocal harmonies! The key shift from verse to chorus! Japan’s You Can Do Anything is a funky 90s bop that just sounds inherently Sonic, while Sonic Boom set the tone for the later rock-heavy Sonic Adventure games. I prefer that classic 90s sound overall but something about “Sonic boooom Sonic boooom” gets me so excited for another high-speed adventure – what can I say, I like the cheese.

All of which is to say, I love the Sonic animation intros. And the just-released intro for Sega’s forthcoming Sonic Superstars is hitting all the right notes.

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