Payday 3 Closed Beta Arrives In August

Developer Starbreeze and publisher Deep Silver have announced that Payday 3 will have a closed beta from August 2-7. It’ll be available on PC and Xbox Series X|S.

Players can play as the original gang members Dallas, Hoxton, Chains, and Wolf during the closed beta. The featured heist is called “No Rest for the Wicked” and players need to rob the cash from its vault and can either take the stealthy route or go in guns blazing. All difficulty levels can be chosen during the closed beta, while the Infamy level cap is 22 and the weapon level progression is maxed out at eight.

Payday 3 has revamped its special enemies and gun progression from previous games. Furthermore, the game seems to require an internet connection at all times, which has frustrated some players, especially since the always-online requirement also includes single-player modes. The first Payday and Payday 2 games had offline modes in which AI-controlled teammates could help you out.

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